Monday, November 7, 2011

this is a blog documenting the efforts of phil cashman ( permaculture builder, surfer, medicinal herb grower, beekeeper, brick oven builder, and fermented food fan )

he surely wouldn't be where is is now without many of his good helpful friends

phil studied 
permaculture with 
bill mollison ( the original founder of permaculture ) and 
geoff lawton ( the capable #2 of permaculture ) in 2007 .

Words in praise of Phil
Phil's mighty capability to carry a job through to a functional fruition is empowered by stubborness , sure , but guided by a heart that sees all things in fairness .  
He approaches tasks with humility and a great respect for the opinions of those with experience 
But the real reason I choose to write a bog about him is because he is really funny .

Phils current activities

> CAFE COSMOS Kamaishi 
Cosmos is a cafe in the foothills near the port town of Kamaishi . The port and surrounding lowlands were destroyed in the March 11 tsunami after a massive earthquake .
Cafe Cosmos , because of its close proximity to the tsunami damage , and because of the openness of the hard working owners became a central place for the volunteer efforts and reconstruction ...
Current achievements include
Establishing independant volunteer accomodations , so we can be involved without burdening the already overworked locals .
We have , wherever possible , been designing and implementing sustainable systems such as compost toilets and waste management systems as examples of functioning alternatives to current wasteful or polluting ones .
Phil has built a full scale professional bread oven , and has started beer brewing workshops .
The vision for the new COSMOS childrens edible playground ...

> Odawara YES!community garden 
The YES! community garden is a workshop based community that assembles officially one weekend a month . Self build , solar cooking , permaculture , organic gardening and practical soil science
associated with CLCA (Children's Learning and Cutlure Association) japanese site 

> SOIL SCHOOL , in Wada , south chiba .
doing radiation smples on the soil now .
current thoughts are whether 

> The Hayama Permaculture Research Institute and child rearing facility 
Ok , this is Phils home in reality , although what a house ! 
a 140 old japanese wooden structure , delicious things bursting from the surrounding gardens .
The recently rebuilt radiant heat stove is a work of art . about to be rebuilt again though in further investigations of efficiency . photos soon .

> The hayama hard working ladies community garden 

> The Museum of Modernn Art in tokyo . restaraunt kitchen garden 
content is an interesting restaraunt and event space run by Daichi . 

here phil holds 2 hammers at once

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